Home > Academics > Academic Units > Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FoE&A) > Civil Engineering > Faculties
Assistant Professor Grade-II
- Numerical Modelling of Geotechnical Systems
- Sustainable ground engineering
- Marine operation for subsea installation
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Coordinating Warden, HMC (Mess)
- Structures under extreme loadings
- Impact Mechanics
- Particle-based methods
- Cost effective body armours
- Unsaturated Soilmechanics
- Soil-Structure Interaction
- landslide mitigation
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Dean, Infrastructure
- Discrete Elements
- Size effect in concrete
- Micromechanics of Concrete
- Bio Mechanics
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Member, Council of Dean, Students Affairs
- Structural system reliability
- Seismic engineering for structures
- Cold-formed steel structures
- Steel structures
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
- Water Supply Systems
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment & Reuse
- Advanced wastewater treatment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
Chairman, Council of Dean, Students Affairs
Chairperson, Students Grievance Redressal Committee
Dean, Student Affairs
- Traffic Safety
- Travel Behavior Analysis & Travel Demand
- Traffic Control and Management
- Transportation Planning
- Public Transportation System
Associate Professor
- Computational Mechanics
- Inverse Problems
Vice-Chairman, Joint Entrance Exam.
Co-Chairperson, Spring Fest
Chairperson, School of Water Resources
- Environmental Engineering
- Integrated Waste Management
- Life Cycle Analysis & Sustainable Engg
- Environmental Risk Assessment
- Bio-energy & Development of Relevant Materials
- Vibration Control of Highrise Structures
- Cost Effective Housing
- Seismic Safety of Dams
- Structural Health Monitoring
Associate Professor
Program Officer, NSO(H&F)
- Numerical Modelling of Geotechnical Systems
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Rock Mechanics and Ground Control
- Ground Improvement & Soil/Rock Stabilization
- Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Ground Improvement & Soil/Rock Stabilization
- Sustainable ground engineering
- Numerical Modelling of Geotechnical Systems
Head, Civil Engineering
Academic Adviser to Chairperson, RCGSIDM
- River hydraulics and engineering
- Urban flood monitoring and management
- Hydraulic structures: design /operation
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Machine Foundations
- Pile Foundations
- Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering
- Ground Improvement & Soil/Rock Stabilization
- Soil-Structure Interaction
- Ground Improvement & Soil/Rock Stabilization
- Numerical Modeling
- Foundation on Soft Soil
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Associate Professor
- Sustainable materials in pavements
- Design of highway and runway pavements
- Pavement Asset Management
- Pavement Analysis
- Pavement Evaluation
- Pavement Materials
- Water & Wastewater Treatment / Recycling
- Anaerobic Wastewater treatment
- Bioelectrochemical processes, MFC, MDC,
- Waste to Energy
Prof-in-Charge, Time Table
- Pavement Materials
- Analysis, Design & Evaluation of Pavements
- Sustainable Pavement Technologies
- Pavement Evaluation
- Planning and Design of Airports
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Assistant Warden, Madan Mohan Malaviya Hall
- Experimental Hydraulics
- Mechanics of Sediment Transport
- River Training Work
- Hydraulic structures: design /operation
- Open Channel Flow Hydraulics
Associate Professor
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Analytical & Computational Hydrodynamics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Turbulence and Fluvial Hydraulics
- Coastal Engineering
Prof-in-Charge, Student Counselling Services
- Structural Health Monitoring and Control
- Micromechanics of Concrete
- Dynamics of bridges
- Biomechanics
Associate Professor
- Numerical Modelling of Geotechnical Systems
- Numerical modelling in geomechanics
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Assistant Warden, Zakir Hussain Hall
- Light Weight Composites
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Microstructure Characterization
- Improved Structural materials
Associate Professor
- Turbulence and Fluvial Hydraulics
- unsteady flows in pipelines
- Mechanics of Sediment Transport
- Open Channel Flow Hydraulics
- Water Distribution Networks
Associate Professor
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Computational material science
- Computational nanostructures
- Molecular simulation
Chairperson, Career Development Centre
- Hydroclimatology and Water Resources Eng
- Time series analysis and forecasting
- Analysis of Hydrologic Extremes
- AI/ML Applications in Hydroclimatology
- Remote Sensing Applications
Assistant Professor Grade-I
- Mechanics of Composites
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Smart and Composite Structures
- Advanced Finite Element Method
- Computational Continuum Mechanics
Chairperson, School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Chairperson, Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Development.
Warden, Sorojini Naidu/Indira Gandhi Hall
- Environmental Engineering
- Water Quality and treatment
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Environmental Risk Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Sustainable Structures
- Big Data Analytics
- Machine learning
Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FoE&A)
- Reinforced soil structures
- Ground Improvement
Assistant Professor Grade-I
- Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Analysis, Design & Evaluation of Pavements
- Ground Improvement & Soil/Rock Stabilization
- Pavement Materials
- Integrated water resources management
- Hydrologic/ hydraulic engineering
- flood/ drought mgt, water harvesting,
- sustainable facilities in water/ energy
- traditional best management practices