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An innovation is something original, new, and important in whatever field that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society. IIT Kharagpur is seriously considering formal inclusion of this activity into the academics and research initiatives covering as wide cross section of faculty and students as possible. The institutionalisation of this process and its sustenance is a multi-pronged effort in which it is planned to have the initial core centre be created with the donation. The core centre will be able to support some student faculty groups initially and later on grow towards a more pervasive activity for the very large base of students with support from various quarters.
Encourage Innovation in the Institute - The Institute has a large base of highly talented Students, knowledgeable Faculty and resourceful Alumni. The Institute already has a diverse set of specialisations and facilities and a remote idyllic setting facilitating dedicated attention. The Institute is in the process of setting up structured processes to identify, facilitate and develop innovation with involvement of all stakeholders.
Multiple Domains of Innovation
Current Infrastructure
Identifying UG-PG Innovations